Instrument Construction and Exploration of Students' Collaboration Skills Based on the Summated Rating Scale
21st-century skills, collaborative skills, summated rating scaleAbstract
One of the essential 21st-century skills that students must possess is the ability to
collaborate. However, profiling students' collaboration skills is challenging
without valid and reliable instruments. Therefore, this research aims to map the
profile of students' collaboration skills using valid and reliable instruments. This
study is descriptive-explorative research with a quantitative approach. The
research sample included 900 Islamic Senior High School/Madrasah Aliyah
students, with 150 students participating in the instrument trials and 750 serving
as the primary sample in this study. The results indicate that the collaboration
ability instrument is valid and reliable, as demonstrated by a loading factor
value > 0.5, T-Value > 1.96, RMSEA 0.00 < 0.08, RMR 0.043, Std. RMR 0.040,
GFI 0.95, AGFI 0.87, NNFI 0.97, CFI 0.98, IFI 0.98, RFI 0.97, PNFI 0.85, and a
composite reliability coefficient CR=0.909 from the second-order confirmatory
factor analysis. The findings show that students' collaboration skills are moderate,
with an average score of 26.4, which falls within the medium category. The
distribution of students' abilities is as follows: 347 students (46.3%) are classified
as having moderate abilities, 207 students (27.6%) as having high skills, and 196
students (26.1%) as having low skills. Based on these results, teachers and
stakeholders are encouraged to enhance students' collaboration skills through
student-centred learning approaches, such as project-based learning, which can
provide students with opportunities to engage and practice working together
actively in the learning process.