Obstacles to Marriage for Jordanian Persons with Visual or Hearing Disabilities from Their Perspectives


  • Feras Ali Al-Habies
  • Suzie Yaseen Rababa'h
  • Mahmoud Rababah Al-Balqa' Applied University


Keywords: Marriage obstacles, persons with physical disabilities, Jordanians


This study explores the obstacles to marriage for persons with physical disabilities (visual or hearing) from the perspective of persons with physical disabilities. To achieve the study's objectives, a questionnaire was developed and administered to a sample of 544 people with physical disabilities (201 female and 343 male). The results indicated that the obstacles to marriage for persons with physical disabilities, according to the participants’ perspectives, were of a moderate degree. The most impactful impediments were found to be economic, followed by social and psychological ones, and challenges pertaining to the type of impairment had the least effect. When it came to the sample's responses to the scale's sections on gender, academic standing, marital status, and the existence of a handicap in the family, the results did not reveal any statistically significant differences. However, statistically significant differences were observed based on the specialization variable, in favour of scientific colleges.


