Achieving Attractions in the historical TV drama


  • Abdallah Adway American International Theology University


Dramatic Treatment, Historical drama, Attraction of drama, TV Drama, Arab series


This study aims to reveal the effect of dramatic treatment elements and their ability to attract audiences to historical dramas. The study employed a quantitative approach as descriptive research, by the collection of quantifiable data for statistical analysis using SPSS. The study conducted multiple linear regression analyses to identify the effects of variables on the attractiveness of historical drama. The study concluded that the combined effect of content, dramatic structure, accuracy of information, educational level, and watching the drama factors on the attractiveness of historical drama to viewers is 61.1%. This means that the attractiveness of the dramatic work is influenced by the following factors: content 34.8%, dramatic structure 19.7%, accuracy of information 23.4%, educational level 8.7%, and watching drama 8.7%. Therefore, increase in interest in these elements leads to heightened attractiveness of the dramatic work, consequently encouraging viewers to continue watching the drama. This article makes a valuable academic contribution by providing scientific insights that aid in understanding the appeal of certain series and movies to audiences, as well as identifying weaknesses in attracting viewers to other works. Furthermore, it offers guidance to producers and scriptwriters in enhancing the overall performance of their dramas.

